Curso Managing Industrial Networks with Cisco Networking Technologies (IMINS)
Carga horária: 40 horas (5 dias)
Descrição do Curso IMINS (em inglês)
Course Prerequisites
It is recommended, but not required, to have the following skills and knowledge before attending this course:
- College degree or non-degreed qualified technician with two to three years’ experience or equivalent industry experience
- Basic understanding of networking and industrial fundamentals or attend ELT to achieve that level:
- Networking Fundamentals for Industrial Control Systems (INICS)
- Control Systems Fundamentals for Industrial Networking (ICINS)
Course Description
Managing Industrial Networks with Cisco Networking Technologies (IMINS) is a lab-based course which helps students with the foundational skills needed for the management and administration of networked industrial control systems. The IMINS course helps plant administrators, control system engineers and traditional network engineers understand networking technologies that are needed in todays connected plants and enterprises. This course also helps you prepare for the Cisco Industrial Networking Specialist Certification exam (exam ID 200-401) and qualify for the Cisco Industrial Networking Specialist certification. This course is job-role specific and enables you to achieve competency and skills to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot industrial network systems while helping to ensure network availability, reliability, and Internet security throughout your company. Students will be exposed to multiple industrial network technologies as well as products from Cisco and other industrial suppliers including Rockwell Automation.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify Cisco and Rockwell Automation industrial networking solutions
- Describe Cisco Industrial Ethernet switches, Allen-Bradley Stratix switches from Rockwell Automation, and Cisco Connected Grid switches and routers
- Interpret design and drawings
- Recognize zone and cell topologies
- Install industrial network components
- Deploy industrial network components
- Perform basic maintenance tasks on the network
- Troubleshoot network and control issues
Job Roles
Control system engineers and Traditional network engineers
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Ementa do Curso
- Module 1: Industrial Networking Solutions and Products
- Lesson 1-1: Describing Cisco Industry-Specific Solutions
- Lesson 1-2: Describing Industrial Networking Features
- Lesson 1-3: Describing Industrial Switching Platforms
- Lesson 1-4: Describing Industrial Routing Platforms
- Lesson 1-5: Describing Configuration and Management Tools
- Lesson 1-6: Module Summary
- Lesson 1-7: Module Self-Check
- Module 2: Industrial Network Documentation and Deployment Considerations
- Lesson 2-1: Interpreting Network and Control Designs and Drawings
- Lesson 2-2: Describing Industrial Networking Deployment Considerations
- Lesson 2-3: Module Summary
- Lesson 2-4: Module Self-Check
- Module 3: Installing Industrial Network Switches, Routers, and Cabling
- Lesson 3-1: Understanding Cabling Installation and Testing for Industrial Ethernet Networks
- Lesson 3-2: Installing the Industrial Ethernet Switch or Router
- Lesson 3-3: Module Summary
- Lesson 3-4: Module Self-Check
- Module 4: Deploying Industrial Ethernet Devices
- Lesson 4-1: Configuring Initial Industrial Ethernet Switch or Router Parameters
- Lesson 4-2: Configuring Layer 2 Industrial Ethernet Switch Parameters
- Lesson 4-3: Configuring Layer 3 Switch Parameters
- Lesson 4-4: Configuring Industrial Ethernet
- Lesson 4-5: Installing End-Point Devices
- Lesson 4-6: Cyber Security for Networks
- Lesson 4-7: Module Summary
- Lesson 4-8: Module Self-Check
- Module 5: Maintaining Industrial Ethernet Networks
- Lesson 5-1: Maintenance Tasks for Industrial Infrastructure Devices
- Lesson 5-2: Monitoring End-Device Operations
- Lesson 5-3: Working with Switch Configuration Files and Software Images
- Lesson 5-4: Module Summary
- Lesson 5-5: Module Self-Check
- Module 6: Troubleshooting Industrial Ethernet Networks
- Lesson 6-1: Monitoring System Status
- Lesson 6-2: Troubleshooting Layer 1
- Lesson 6-3: Troubleshooting Layer 2
- Lesson 6-4: Troubleshooting Layer 3
- Lesson 6-5: Basic Troubleshooting for IACS Endpoints Overview
- Lesson 6-6: Describe Troubleshooting with Vendor Support Overview
- Lesson 6-7: Module Summary
- Lesson 6-8: Module Self-Check
Laboratórios e Atividades Práticas
O curso é repleto de atividades práticas em laboratórios providos pela Cisco, o que torna a experiência de aprendizado bastante proveitosa!
- Hardware Lab 1: Platform Discovery of Industrial Network Switches and Routers
- Hardware Lab 2: Interpreting Network and Control Designs and Drawings
- Hardware Lab 3: Configuring Initial Switch Parameters
- Hardware Lab 4: Configuring Layer 2 Switch Parameters
- Hardware Lab 5: Configuring IP and DHCP
- Hardware Lab 6: Configuring PTP
- Hardware Lab 7: Configuring CIP
- Hardware Lab 8: Configuring MODBUS TCP
- Hardware Lab 9: Configuring Switch Security
- Hardware Lab 10: Configuring SSH and HTTPS
- Hardware Lab 11: Maintaining Industrial Ethernet Switches
- Hardware Lab 12: Troubleshooting Layer 2 Network Issues
- Hardware Lab 13: Troubleshooting Layer 3 Network Issues
- Hardware Lab 14: Troubleshooting Control Issues
Conheça mais sobre a nossa visão sobre as certificações da Cisco aqui!
Valores do Curso
- Reais (BRL): R$ 8.500,00
- Cisco Learning Credits (CLC): 21
OBS: preços válidos para treinamentos presenciais na cidade do Rio de Janeiro ou para treinamentos VILT (Online/WebEx).
Próximos Treinamentos Managing Industrial Networks with Cisco Networking Technologies (IMINS) 1.3
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