Curso Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks (WITSHOOT)
Carga horária: 40 horas (5 dias)
Descrição do Curso WITSHOOT (em inglês)
Course Prerequisites
The learner is expected to have the following skills and knowledge before attending this course:
- Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1)
- Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals (WIFUND)
Course Description
Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks (WITSHOOT) is a 3-day ILT training program that provides students information to troubleshoot Cisco wireless networks. The course provides guidelines for troubleshooting Wi-Fi architectures of Cisco wireless components. WITSHOOT provides students hands-on labs to reinforce concepts. Concepts taught include troubleshooting Cisco AireOS Release 8.0, Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 2.2, and Cisco Identity Services Engine (Cisco ISE) Release 1.3 features. WITSHOOT is targeted toward wireless network engineers with 3-5 years of experience in the networking or security fields.
Course Objectives
- Identify common troubleshooting approaches
- Identify and describe wireless infrastructure issues
- Identify core wireless infrastructure issues
- Identify wireless security issues
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Ementa do Curso
- Module 1: Identify Common Troubleshooting Approaches
- Lesson 1-1: Describing Network Troubleshooting Methodology
- Lesson 1-2: Describing Network Troubleshooting Tools and Resources
- Module 2: Identify Core Wireless Infrastructure Issues
- Lesson 2-1: Troubleshooting Wireless-Related Wired Infrastructure Issues
- Lesson 2-2: Troubleshooting AP-to-Controller Issues
- Lesson 2-3: Troubleshooting Cisco FlexConnect
- Module 3: Identify Wireless Infrastructure Issues
- Lesson 3-1: Troubleshooting Client Connectivity Issues
- Lesson 3-2: Troubleshooting Client Performance Issues
- Module 4: Identify Wireless Security Issues
- Lesson 4-1: Troubleshooting Client Authentication Issues
- Lesson 4-2: Troubleshooting Guest Access Issues
- Lesson 4-3: Troubleshooting Issues with RF-Related Security Threats
Laboratórios e Atividades Práticas
O curso é repleto de atividades práticas em laboratórios providos pela Cisco, o que torna a experiência de aprendizado bastante proveitosa!
- Discovery 1: Setting Up and Analyzing Packet Captures
- Discovery 2: Analyzing Switch Packet Capture of AP Joining a WLC
- Discovery 3: Viewing CleanAir Reports from Cisco Prime Infrastructure
- Challenge 1: Troubleshooting Client DHCP Issues
- Challenge 2: Troubleshooting AP Discovery and Join Failures
- Discovery 4: Check Client Speed/Throughput
- Challenge 3: Verifying Client Authentication Issues Using Prime Troubleshooting Tools
- Discovery 5: Using Debug to Troubleshoot a Client with 802.1x Authentication
- Challenge 4: Troubleshooting Guest Network Issues
- Challenge 5: Spectrum Analysis Using metageek Chanalyzer
- Discovery 6: Identifying Rogue APs and Clients Using WLCs and Prime Infrastructure
Conheça mais sobre a nossa visão sobre as certificações da Cisco aqui!
Valores do Curso
- Reais (BRL): R$ 11.200,00
- Cisco Learning Credits (CLC): 28
Próximos Treinamentos Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks (WITSHOOT) 1.1
março 2025
Sem Treinamentos / Eventos
abril 2025
Sem Treinamentos / Eventos